Monday, November 28, 2011

Cuponing Update

Today was my second venture into cuponing. I am off to what I feel is a slow start, but trying not to become frustrated and give up. I've never been good at doing things half-way. My way of thinking is, "If you can't be the best at something, why do it at all?" I know that is a terrible attitude , but just keeping this blog honest. But I guess even Extreme Cuponers probably got their start as mediocre Cuponers, right? The actual buying part I like, because it has much the same feel of a great garage sale/thrift store find. The thrill of getting something new, or like new, at a fraction of the cost. I am beating the system!! The drawback with coupons, is that it requires so much searching and organizing to get to that point.
So anyhow, today I got 6 mega-logs of P*lsbury cookie dough (I'm all set for quick holiday treats), 8 boxes P*lsbury pie crust, 8 boxes of Nat*re's Valley granola bars, 3 large boxes of Ritz crackers, and 6 galons of milk for about $75. Not at all like the show--where they walk out of the store with five carts full and only paid 10 cents, but my kids are pretty stoked about the cookie dough, and I'm tickled pink that I have a weeks worth of milk in the fridge. At least I know we won't get caught in a pinch and end up spending over $4 for a half gallon at the neighborhood gas station.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pre-Thanksgiving Simple Woman's

FOR TODAY...November 23, 2011

Outside my Mom's window...Six happy children playing in the yard (Abby and Marina are police women, complete with handmade badges and bicycle patrol cars.  Ian and Randy are Indians.  K is practicing his aim with the bow.  Cara is just plain happy).  One happy, happy, birthday celebrating Daddy.  The county lifted its eight month burn ban and half of the property is ablaze.   

I am thinking...about food preparations for tomorrow.

I am thankful for...'tis the season.  I am blessed and highly favored, but I think I am most thankful this year for our little surprise blessing: Levi James.

I am wearing... blue jeans, socks, and a turqois thermal.

I am remembering...this is the house I grew up in, so it is rife with memories.  Just a few minutes ago, peeking out the window watching the girls, I thought about my little sister and I tearing up that same driveway on our bikes.

I am continue cooking a stupendous meal (or at least my half of it) as soon as I post.
I am currently recipes count?
I am hoping...that my turkey turns out de-lish.

On my, cooking, cooking

Noticing that...My brownies are YUMMY!

Pondering these words... Love sought is good, but giv'n unsought is better.--William Shakespeare

From the kitchen...Daddy's birthday brownies, turkey, ham, stuffing and mashed potatoes, leavings from Daddy's birthday breakfast (cinnamon biscuits, bacon, and fried eggs), prepared seasoning mix for roasted turkey, and various asundry.

Around the house...Mama (recuperating from abdominal surgery) is watching HG TV and Levi is asnooze upstairs and pretty much everyone else is enjoying the great--if somewhat smokey--outdoors.

From my picture journal: Going to have to pass on that.  Mom's computer does not have an SD port.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Sick Computer

Don't know if you will be hearing from me for the next few days. And of course you would know I have about a dozen posts rolling through my mind. My computer is sick. Should get more stuff done around the house.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Saturday Nine

Saturday 9: Melancholy Man
1. Are you more melancholy on occasion?
Yes.  Actually, I'm feeling pretty melancholy today.  I told the master earlier that I was feeling blue and I thought that strange, since it isn't my time of the month to feel blue, if you know what I mean.  There is nothing really wrong, but I feel as though I could flop on the bed and cry my eyes out.

2. What did you think you looked like when you were a teenager?
I thought I looked o.k., pretty even, when my face wasn't broke out.  I thought I was a little on the heavy side.  I wasn't.

3. Whose advice are you least likely to listen to?
Little old ladies in the grocery store who try to tell me how to take care of my baby.  Grrr......Look, lady, I know what I'm doing here.  This ain't my first rodeo.  And you raised your last of two in 1957?  Right. So that makes you the expert. GIVE ME A BREAK.
4. Tell us about a job that you liked when you were younger.
I liked it when Momma left the vacuuming job on my chore list.  I like to vacuum.

5. Would you lie to someone if you knew the truth would end your friendship or relationship?

6. What do you have little or no patience for?
Nosey little old ladies.  See #3

7. What is there never enough hours in the day to do?

8. What is the most productive thing that you accomplished in October?
Six Fall Festival costumes, and a weekend missions camp for my CIA group.

9. What have you always wanted to learn but haven't yet?
I would like to be able to make stained glass.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Language School

When we got in the van to come home from church last night, the children numbered off in Spanish.  K reiterated for about the hundredth time that we need to learn to count in Russian.  Marina asked me to test her Russian.  I obliged with the six or seven phrases from our long-ago Russian language tape (following dialogue spelled phonetically):

Me: Ya tibia lu blu
Marina: Uh....'I don't speak Russian?'
Me: No.  'I love you.' Try this one, 'Ti u stal eye a.' feminine form. Either means 'You are sleepy,' or 'I am sleepy.'  Not sure.  Just know that we have said this to the kids at bedtime since going to Russia, so I thought she would get it.
Marina: It means, 'I have no idea what you are saying.'
Me: Um. No. We are all giggling by now. 
Me: Let's try a short one.  'Spasiba.'
Marina:  Spicy!!!!

Well, the child flunks Russian, but she gets an A+ in Texan.  She did know how to say, 'Hold my hand' in Russian and she knew what 'Das vu don ye,' meant, but that was the extent of her linguistics.  She asked in her thick Texan draw, "Maw----ma, when we go to Russia, how will I say, 'I didn't grow up in Russia.' Honey, I don't think you will have to say a thing--it's gonna be crystal clear. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Painted Pumpkin

Levi says, "Momma painted a pumpkin, and I helped!" This was my creative moment for the day.  I also folded 12 loads of laundry, loaded and emptied the dishwasher three times, bleached counter tops and swept the kitchen and dining area, but that doesn't satisfy my soul like a completely frivolous decorated gourd.