Today was my second venture into cuponing. I am off to what I feel is a slow start, but trying not to become frustrated and give up. I've never been good at doing things half-way. My way of thinking is, "If you can't be the best at something, why do it at all?" I know that is a terrible attitude , but just keeping this blog honest. But I guess even Extreme Cuponers probably got their start as mediocre Cuponers, right? The actual buying part I like, because it has much the same feel of a great garage sale/thrift store find. The thrill of getting something new, or like new, at a fraction of the cost. I am beating the system!! The drawback with coupons, is that it requires so much searching and organizing to get to that point.
So anyhow, today I got 6 mega-logs of P*lsbury cookie dough (I'm all set for quick holiday treats), 8 boxes P*lsbury pie crust, 8 boxes of Nat*re's Valley granola bars, 3 large boxes of Ritz crackers, and 6 galons of milk for about $75. Not at all like the show--where they walk out of the store with five carts full and only paid 10 cents, but my kids are pretty stoked about the cookie dough, and I'm tickled pink that I have a weeks worth of milk in the fridge. At least I know we won't get caught in a pinch and end up spending over $4 for a half gallon at the neighborhood gas station.
Costa Rica-- Our Last Day in Alajuela
7 years ago
This wasn't a fabulous couponing here at any of our stores. I follow two local blogs that post our stores and where to print or clip your coupons matched to the sales. Usually I get something free each week. Nothing free this time!