Saturday, November 5, 2011

Saturday Nine

Saturday 9: Melancholy Man
1. Are you more melancholy on occasion?
Yes.  Actually, I'm feeling pretty melancholy today.  I told the master earlier that I was feeling blue and I thought that strange, since it isn't my time of the month to feel blue, if you know what I mean.  There is nothing really wrong, but I feel as though I could flop on the bed and cry my eyes out.

2. What did you think you looked like when you were a teenager?
I thought I looked o.k., pretty even, when my face wasn't broke out.  I thought I was a little on the heavy side.  I wasn't.

3. Whose advice are you least likely to listen to?
Little old ladies in the grocery store who try to tell me how to take care of my baby.  Grrr......Look, lady, I know what I'm doing here.  This ain't my first rodeo.  And you raised your last of two in 1957?  Right. So that makes you the expert. GIVE ME A BREAK.
4. Tell us about a job that you liked when you were younger.
I liked it when Momma left the vacuuming job on my chore list.  I like to vacuum.

5. Would you lie to someone if you knew the truth would end your friendship or relationship?

6. What do you have little or no patience for?
Nosey little old ladies.  See #3

7. What is there never enough hours in the day to do?

8. What is the most productive thing that you accomplished in October?
Six Fall Festival costumes, and a weekend missions camp for my CIA group.

9. What have you always wanted to learn but haven't yet?
I would like to be able to make stained glass.

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