1. Have you ever left a relationship but knew that eventually you'd get back together?
No. Yes, but I was wrong. I had one serious boyfriend other than the master--I use the word 'serious' but we actually only dated a year, but still, at the time, I could picture myself marrying him. He broke up with me in mid-July after I graduated high-school. He didn't give a reason, except that I would be going off to college soon. I remember sobbing in bed that night--my parent's bed, I crawled up beside my mom to cry--and thinking, "He can't really mean it. He'll want to get back together." I just
knew he was "the one." He called a week later, on my birthday. He said he wanted to wish me a happy birthday and talk. My heart began to beat fast, thinking this quasi-friendship might be a way for us heal the relationship--and maybe that is what he was trying to get at. Part of me was ecstatic at the thought, but another part asked, "Until he decides to rip your heart out again?" I realized I would constantly be wondering and worrying where I stood with him. Besides my heart, I had--thankfully--not invested any other part of myself--with him. If I gave him one more year, five more years, ten, would the same be true? I got off the phone quickly and never spoke with him again.
2. Are there things that you hate to buy? Items that you either hate to spend perfectly good money on or hate to spend the time it takes to buy them? Clothes shopping for myself. Loathe it. Because I spend money on it, and get it home and hate the way it looks on me.
3. What is your favorite cartoon show and why?
The old Tom and Jerry shows. They are funny, I don't care who you are.
4. Are you anywhere close to doing what you wanted to do as a kid?
Yes. I wanted to be a mom.
5. Now that you're in the "real world," is your current job now really what you want to do for a living? If not, what would you ultimately like to do?
Does not apply
6. A local university has asked you to teach a class about the one thing you know the most about. What would you be teaching and what would the name of the course be?
Procrastination 101-how to put off what you know you should be doing--to be followed by Justification 102-how to make up a legitimate sounding excuse for procrastinating.
7. Commercials ... they can make us laugh or can annoy the heck out of us. Tell us about your favorite commercial and/or a commercial you simply loathe.
We don't watch tv here, but the master and I went to a showing of "Courageous" tonight, and can I just say that the previews (glorified commercials) were totally inappropriate? You would think that even godless advertisers in Hollywood would realize the folly of attempting to market those t.v. shows/feature films to an audience who came to watch a Christian movie.
8. Tell us about your favorite comedy movie of all time.
I really like the National Lampoon's movies
9. Tell us about your favorite black and white movie of all time.
So many of my favorite black and whites have been remastered to color. "Sound of Music" was originally black and white, so it would have to be my favorite.